Hi, I’m

Do you ever struggle with finding your voice? Trusting it? And expressing it?

As someone who grew up feeling the pressure to obey and conform, I was always dependent on someone else to create my life. I struggled to connect with divinity and feel simultaneously home in my body. 

BASICALLY, I just didn't trust myself. I didn't think I was "godly" enough, "smart" enough, "pretty" enough, "able" enough . . . 

I USED to feel choked by the confines and pressures of patriarchy. I was worried about people’s judgments of what I was wearing and what felt good to my body—so much so that often I would dress or change my clothing based on where I was going and who might see me, hoping for their approval.

I didn’t feel truly seen for who I was by anyone. As I finally looked at what my spiritual beliefs truly were, I struggled with the assumptions people made and felt constantly like I had to defend my spirituality and prove that even though I believed differently than what my family and church taught me, I was still a good person.

Ah, but how sweet was the unraveling of this as I took a deep dive inward, shedding the stories, thoughts, and fears that had kept me from full self-love. Along the way, I reconstructed my spirituality and found an abundant well of strength, intuition, and love that existed right in my core. 

I’m, respectfully, an open book about my life, and I love working with people who are ready to find their voice, trust it, and get confident expressing it.

the podcast

The idea for a podcast was an answer that came out of an intense yearning to expand and grow my soul, and find my purpose. I spent years “outsourcing” the most important parts of me: love, connection, approval, trust, and authority, chasing the endless persona of “good girl.” 

It was only when I allowed ALL the parts of me to surface—the messy, unique, and wild parts—that I felt whole in my body. I was done searching externally for self-love and peace, knowing that I had all the power and love I ever needed right inside of me. I just had to be willing to find it. 

Instead of more how-to’s, this podcast explores the journey of moving inward through unease, disconnection, and suffering, and the expansive transformation that can take place when we’re willing to let go of fear and the need for control, and step into personal truth. 

Serene self-love is wild, radical, honesty, and I invite you to come inward with me.

(If any of this resonates with you, or you just want more detail of my experiences, take a listen to my first episode where I spend time talking about my background and the spiritual creation of this podcast HERE!)

I LOVE connecting with others, sharing stories, talking about my journey, and helping people find their own truth and path. What I’ve noticed is that most people just want to be and feel seen, and once I ripped the bandaid off my wounds and scars and was open about my life, it created a space for real connection and love between me and others who were struggling. Self-love? It’s radical honesty. And I am radically honest about these topics that I cover on my podcast and have experience with:

  • high demand religion/conservative culture

  • dress & appearance—on your own terms

  • healing from shame and judgment

  • authentic self-expression

  • body image & body shame

  • mindfulness & meditation

  • sexual shame & trauma

  • faith/religious crises & transitions

  • divorce & co-parenting

  • infidelity (both “cheater” and “cheatee”)

  • remarriage, blended families, & step-parenting

  • mixed-faith marriage

  • navigating patriarchy & the impact it has on men/women, marriage, and family life

  • imposter syndrome

  • spirituality

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